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The Pre-War Experimental Boats

PT-1 & 2 – built at the Fogal Boat Yard in Miami, Florida and were completed on November 20, 1941. These two boats were fifty-eight feet long and were reclassified as Small Boats, C-6083 and C-6084 in December 1941.

PT-3 & 4 – built at the Fisher Boatworks in Detroit, Michigan and were completed on June 20, 1940. These boats were turned over to the British Royal Navy as MTB-273 and MTB-274 in April of 1941. PT-3 is still in existence, in need of repair in Pennsylvania. PTs 3 & 4 were fifty-eight feet long.

PT-5 & 6 (and the second PT-6) – built by Higgins Industries in New Orleans, Louisiana and were completed on March 1, 1941, August 14, 1940 and February 3, 1941 respectfully. PT-5 became MTB-269 in April of 1941. The first PT-6 became the Royal Navy’s MGB-69 and the second PT-6 became MTB-270 in July 1941. All three boats were eighty-one feet long.

PT-7 & 8 – Built by the US Navy at the Philadelphia Navy Yard in Pennsylvania. Both were eighty-one feet long and both were completed on February 25, 1941. PT-7 was of wooden construction and became the Royal Navy’s MTB-270 in April 1941 and the PT-8 remained in the USN and became the YP-110 on October 14, 1941. The PT-8 was of aluminum construction and is still in existence and in operating order.

PT-9 – The 70 foot British built Scott-Paine designed PV-70 (Private Venture, 70 foot) built by The British Power Boat Company was completed on June 17, 1940. This boat served as the basis of the design of the seventy-foot Elco.

PT-10 through 19 – The seventy foot boats built by Elco in Bayonne, New Jersey. All were completed from November 1940 to December 1940. All of these boats were turned over to the Royal Navy in April of 1941 as MTBs 259 to 268.

PT-69 – Built by Huckins Yacht Company of Jacksonville, Florida. It was seventy-two feet and was completed on June 30, 1941. And, became YP-106 on September 24, 1941.

PT-70 - Built by Higgins Industries of New Orleans, Louisiana. It was seventy-six feet and was completed on June 30, 1941. It became YP-107 on September 24, 1941.