March 3, 2009 - We just received an email from a gentleman in Italy. He is a PT Boat devotee, as are we. Here is his note...
Dear Mr.Garth Connelly,
I've browsed your very appealing website and this brought me back to some
years ago when I had the pleasure of visiting the PT Boat Museum at Fall
River, MA.
I must say that I've always been attracted by the PT boats, right from the
day when (many moons ago) I've seen the movie "They Were Expendable".
I'm a painter and just to remember that movie and the fascinating world of
the PT boats, in 2006 I made an oil painting depicting a WW2 action in which
two Jap Rufe fighters are contrasted by the fire of PT boats (one of the
fighters has already been condemned).

click graphic for larger view
The painting is abt. 19 x 32" and I'm attaching a picture of the same.
My question is: do you know someone (through your links) who might be
interested to purchase my painting
Thank you very much for your time.
Guglielmo Torello-Pichetto
Via E. Beltramo, 5
10090 Rosta (TO)